Helping Our Community Succeed

About Manifest Network

Building a Better Region

Who We Are

We bring together the people, knowledge, investments, and passion to make Palm Beach County a more inclusive and positive place to live, work and raise a family.

We are a 501 (c) organization bringing together dedicated individuals, businesses, and nonprofits to understand local challenges, share information and put resources behind solutions that can improve the quality of life for those both in our region and across the state of Southern Florida.


We are fortunate to share a vision of Palm Beach County with many who are working to build a more equitable and resilient place to live, work and play. Though the barriers to success are persistent, we are naming them. We have an approach to address them combining the power of our resources and the talents of our team. Together, we will grow and share prosperity in a way that benefits all in our community.

We are committed to bringing together resources, both human and financial, to improve the lives of all residents.

Our work is only possible through the dedication of our partners: donors, nonprofit agencies, professional advisors, and community and business leaders.


See how to help?

Communities in Need
Personal Impact
Families in Need